

HARANGUE | English meaning

to speak to someone or a group of people, often for a long time, in a forceful and sometimes angry way, esp. to persuade them or to express disapproval:.

HARANGUE in Traditional Chinese

A drunk in the station was haranguing passers-by. 一名醉漢在車站大聲訓斥路人。


n. 慷慨激昂的演講; 冗長的訓話. 牛津中文字典. harangue.

Harangue Definition & Meaning

to speak to (someone) in a forceful or angry way : to deliver a harangue to (someone). He harangued us for hours about the evils of popular culture.

HARANGUE definition and meaning

2 meanings: 1. to address (a person or crowd) in an angry, vehement, or forcefully persuasive way 2. a loud, forceful, or angry.

HARANGUE Definition & Usage Examples

harangue · a scolding or a long or intense verbal attack; diatribe. · a long, passionate, and vehement speech, especially one delivered before a public ...

Harangue Definition & Meaning

2023年12月8日 — Synonyms · diatribe · jeremiad · philippic · rant · tirade. Verb. declaim · descant · discourse · expatiate · lecture · orate · speak · talk.


​harangue somebody to speak loudly and angrily in a way that criticizes somebody/something or tries to persuade people to do something.


/həˈræŋ/ · noun. a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion. synonyms: rant, ranting. see moresee less. types: screed. a long monotonous ...